Who needs a
City of Chicago Food Service Sanitation Certificate?
The City of Chicago requires that all
establishments have a city certified food service sanitation manager on-site where
potentially hazardous food is being prepared or served
- City certificates are good for five years
- Whether you take the Foodservice Sanitation Manager course in class or online, please note that the City of Chicago has increased
the cost of its certificate from $35 to $45. As a result, your AAFS tuition will increase by this amount.
- The City of Chicago requires separate certification to work at outdoor Summer Festival programs;
your City of Chicago Food Service Sanitation Certificate will not qualify you to work at Summer Festival events
- Summer Festival certificates are good for one year and expire on March 31 of the year immediately following your most recent
Who needs allergen awareness training?
- The State of Illinois and the City of Chicago have introduced a new requirement for food service sanitation managers
- Effective January 1, 2018, all current and newly certified food service sanitation managers working in restaurants must
complete food allergen awareness training
- This allergen awareness training course must be ANSI/CFP accredited and may be taken online
- Your certificate of allergen awareness course completion is good for three (3) years and must be kept at the food establishment
for the health department inspector
- Enforcement will begin July 1, 2018
Who needs a Summer Festival Certification?
- If you plan to work at an outdoor summer festival event you must have a City of Chicago Summer Festival certification
- You must enroll in a 3-hour AAFS Summer Festival Food Vendor Sanitation Seminar
- The cost is $40 and includes AAFS tuition, all materials and your certificate
- You must pay tuition on or before your class day using a cashier’s check, cash, money order, VISA or MasterCard
- You must take a Summer Fest class each year you wish to work at an outdoor event in the City of Chicago; your certificate
is good until March 31 of the year following your most recent Summer Festival certification
- Classes are offered in English and Spanish and, in 2018, are located at 4225 N. Central Avenue, Chicago, IL 60634;
the location is Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox Church where free parking is available
Who needs a
State of Illinois Food Service Sanitation Certificate?
- The State of Illinois no longer requires a separate certificate to work at food establishments outside the City of Chicago
where potentially hazardous food is being prepared or served
- Nor does the State of Illinois require a separate state certificate to work at Chicago establishments that are inspected by the state
- You are only required to have a ServSafe Manager Training Certificate
Who needs a Food Handler certification?
- Anyone, other than a City of Chicago certified food safety manager, who works in a restaurant and prepares, serves
or otherwise handles food must have a Food Handler certification
- AAFS offers private classes only for groups of 25 students or more
- Call (1-773) 558-5888 for information about group instruction
How should I prepare for class?
For Manager Certification class:
- Arrive at class 15 minutes early for check in
- Bring your driver’s license or state ID
- If you have not paid in advance, bring a money order, cashier’s check, VISA or MasterCard to pay tuition and fees
- AAFS tuition includes instruction and your Chicago certificate upon successful completion of the course;
the ServSafe manual is $65 if you purchase it from AAFS
- Bring pencil, pen and paper for note and test taking
- Please note that City of Chicago Food Manager Certification classes are conducted in English only
For Summer Festival Seminars:
- Arrive at class 15 minutes early for check in
- Bring your driver’s license or state ID
- If you have not paid in advance, bring a money order, cashier’s check, VISA or MasterCard for payment of tuition
- AAFS Summer Festival tuition is $40 and includes your Summer Festival certificate and all instructional materials
- Bring pencil, pen and paper for note taking
- Please note that Summer Festival classes are conducted in English and Spanish
For all other information
or inquiries email or telephone (773) 558-5888